Friday, March 3, 2017

C is for...Cite your sources! - ABC Genealogy Challenge Day 3!

C is for...Cite your sources! OK, I'll admit that this probably the most not so fun part of genealogy, but it is a necessary step. It's kind of like enjoying a feast and then having to wash the dishes - nobody wants to wash the dishes, but it has to be done! Why Cite your sources? Here are just a few reasons why:

  1. It helps you organize your research so you do not duplicate work 
  2. It lends credibility to the information you provide (so people will know you didn't just make this stuff up!)
  3. It provides a path to follow for anyone else reviewing or continuing your research

Check out these great examples from Ancestral Findings on how to Cite sources!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

B is for...Boolean Search! - ABC Genealogy Challenge Day 2!

B is for...Boolean Search! It does sound kind of funny and I'm sure somebody out there is probably wondering "What in the world does that mean?" I'll tell you! A Boolean Search is quite helpful for online research as it helps to better define results when you combine keywords and modifiers for your search such as AND, NOT, and OR. I also like this funny term because it reminds me of "Booyah" which is what I usually holler out after I find a record! :-D

Try this search method and see what interesting results you may come up with!

#BooleanSearch #Booyah

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A is for...Ancestor! - ABC Genealogy Challenge Day 1!

A is for...Ancestor! The definition of Ancestor is "a person from whom one is descended; forbear; progenitor". An Ancestor is usually the starting point of one's family history journey. There is something about that Ancestor that we long to know and long to connect with - a name; a major life event; or some similarity we find intriguing. Finding an Ancestor can offer so much! For some, it can offer closure and for others it can offer a whole new identity - the possibilities are endless!

So if you've been wanting to begin your family history journey, pick one Ancestor of interest and begin there!
